Covid - 19 policy
Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is part of a family of viruses that include the common cold and respiratory illnesses such as SARS. On 11th March 2020 the World Health Organisation (WHO) recognised the rapid spread of the virus and declared COVID-19 a pandemic.
Projekt 6 Ltd has responded to this crisis by putting in place sensible steps to minimise the potential impact of the pandemic on both staff health and the health of the business. The measures we have taken include:
Preparing a detailed COVID-19 Response Plan and an HSE COVID-19 risk assessment and sharing these documents with our staff
Ensuring all staff work from home
Ensuring there is a good stock of disposable face masks and antibacterial gel for staff to use when making site visits or attending meetings
Carrying out meetings remotely wherever possible
Reinforcing the need to avoid public transport wherever possible and to avoid car-sharing
We are keeping up to date with government guidance and reviewing and adjusting our working practices in accordance with this. Any staff who experience symptoms are required to follow NHS guidance by self-isolating and booking a COVID-19 test. We are in regular communication with all staff to ensure that important health and safety messages are shared.
During this time we endeavour to provide our clients with a professional and efficient service as usual. We apologise for any inconvenience that may be caused due to current circumstances and encourage our clients to contact us directly should they have any concerns or queries.